The Earning EnterpriZe is one of seven work sectors of the YouthUSA social enterprise program. The sponsor’s intent is to identify local needs and qualify, certify and sustain service providers to meet needs.
The program reinvests revenue from grants, charitable giving, and individual entrepreneurship to create meaningful work opportunities.
Historically, The Free African Society emerged in the late 1700s as part of the rise in civic organizing following United States' independence in the Revolutionary War. It was also directly related to its leaders' desires to create a separate group to meet African-American needs; they rejected the second-class status they were forced into at their white-dominated, former Methodist church. The Free African Society was designed as a mutual aid society to help support African Americans; especially the sick, jobless, orphaned and widowed.
YouthUSA Asset Managers can post local needs via The Conference Center or share ideas via the comment section below.
As stated, The Earning EnterpriZe is one of seven work sectors of the YouthUSA social enterprise program. The sponsor’s intent is to identify local needs and qualify, certify and sustain service providers to meet needs. Once an individual can read, write, calculate, communicate, think, reason and use good judgement, they are trainable. Once trained, they should be earning. In today's economy, with so many people unemployed who are educated, how do we earn a living to support our families and institutions?